Kamla Nagar Educational Society, registered with the government of Madhya Pradesh in 1987. Our energetic secretary, Mr. S.S. Raghuwanshi, founded the Kamla Nehru Public School in the same year. In due course of time, our dedicated efforts inspired by our Secretary, saw the school evolve into full-fledged higher secondary school with state-of-the-art facilities. Our objective is to nurture humanity through academic excellence and value-based personality development.

Children, modern research has shown, learn best through and activity based approach. Accordingly, we have adopted the play-way method of instruction, with child-oriented system. Our effective teaching staff, chosen for their strong character besides academic excellence inspire confidence, discipline, perfection and honesty in the students by personal example.

We thus strive to maintain a high educational standard with traditional values.

Kamla Nehru Public Higher Secondary School

"O Mother of Knowledge, lead us from darkness of ignorance to the Light of Knowledge."

Knowledge is the source of education. We educate our students in a comprehensive manner. Our students are enriched with the lofty Indian traditions of self-dependence, speaking the truth, respecting elders, patriotism, punctuality, dignity of labour and regularity. These enliven the excellent academic and intellectual training they receive. 

Sunshine Kindergarten: "Rays of Knowledge"

We endeavour to educate our little loved ones in a manner that would fill sunshine of happiness and knowledge in their lives. By slowly empowering our children through knowledge, right attitude, skill and mental & physical dexterity, we teach them to carve themselves a niche in society. We feel that knowledge is the best source of energy for a good human being. Accordingly, we gradually evolve our students into knowledgeable, mature and responsible members of society.


Curriculum Highlights

Kamla Nehru Public Hr. Sec. School strictly follows the Syllabus approved by C.B.S.E on the pattern and guidelines by N.C.E.R.T. The medium of instruction is English. Games, sports, social, cultural and athletic programmes are regular school activities. Music, dance, arts, craft and other socially useful productive works form an integral part of school curriculum. There is special emphasis on Computer education. Instrumental & vocal music, dance, drawing, craft and various sports are taught by experts.

Spoken English

Due to the growing importance of English as an international language, we make sure our students can effectively communicate in English. We thus begin to teach practical English right from the primary classes. Our students are never at a loss when confronted with situations that necessitate speaking in English .The can express themselves as well as their subject matter unhesitatingly in English.

Computer Education

Today's students face the challenge of keeping pace with an increasingly complex world. To cope up with this, students have to try and learn increasingly more within a specified time frame. There is an urgent need for a new system of instructions that speeds up the learning process - helping students understand complex concepts, within the shortest possible time .We thus have NIIT@School, to facilitate this speeded-up learning process in the field of computers, as well as in other subjects. Features of this programme include:

(A) Application Oriented:

Explains concepts with the help of day-to-day situations. Students thus relate to concepts easily and understand them thoroughly. This improves their knowledge level.

(B) Computer aided education:

  • Key concepts in Maths, Science, English and Social Science syllabi explained graphically on computer.

  • Choice of topics that allow subject teachers to choose from an extensive library of Multimedia Content.

We ensure that our students learn the practical use of computers in an interesting and effective way, while still following a curriculum that confirms to Board specification.

(C) The new NIIT@School KG Wizard:

Being a little kid is all about having fun. Kids love to play games. To them every object is a fantastic toy worth exploring. This is how they learn things and discover the world that surrounds them. When a child joins school, this process of learning through fun should continue. Chilren should have sufficient fun at school, sothat they never feel it a dull place and want to go there regularly.

(D) The New NIIT@School KG Wizard redefines learning by:

  • Understanding the kids mind.

  • Understanding that every kid is unique.

  • Helping the child become familiar with actions.

  • Nurturing the kid's skills

  • Rewarding the child with surprises

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