Mr. M. N. Singh ( Chairman )
Mr. S. S. Raghuwanshi ( Secretary )
Mr. Atul Kumar Jain ( Advisor )
Mr. S. N. Gupta ( Advisor )
Mr. Prashant Singh Raghuvanshi ( Managing Director )
Mrs. Sushma Raghuwanshi ( Principal )
Mr. O. K. Saxena ( Administration Advisor )
Mrs. Usha Nair ( Vice Principal )
Teaching Staff
Office Staff

reat and honourable support of his family and frens by whom it would b literally impossible to discover a theory which leads to a beginning of a new science........

In loving memory of his mother miss Usha Yadav. And great support by father and sister mr L.D. Yadav and Shikha Yadav
Mis Mahima Satwani. and Mis bhumika satwani, who really led the boy to do some thing different.................
Mr Atishay Jain, Mr Amritansh Sharma for giving magnificient supportiv confidence..........

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